
Showing posts from 2012

How to use Windows 8 App store behind the proxy in IITG

Windows 8 was finally here. You can Download from software repository and install in your computer or you can Upgrade from your windows 7 OS. No need to mention the new features in windows 8 , I think you already know. It has a metro interface integrated with the start menu and various apps are available in the windows app store for the metroUI. Some of you might have tried and installed the previous releases of windows 8 like developer preview, consumer preview and release preview. In the release preview version app store was made available for trying apps and people have faced problems in downloading and installing apps. Not to mention the common problem is the PROXY server. All the computers in the institute runs behind a proxy so the IP address appears to be the same for all the computers connected to the LAN system. The metro Apps in windows 8 prefer direct internet connection so it has to be configured properly. Following steps will explain how to configure the apps to ...

Solution : How to fold it ??

The solution of  how to fold it the equilateral triangle. figure htfi.1 Fold the square in to half from vertical side and half again twice from horizontal figure htfi.2 then open the paper to half you can see three lines of cut marks on the paper as shown. Then take the bottom one to the second fold and get the 3rd part split in to half. figure htfi.3  Consider the 2nd part as the two third of the height of triangle and top half of thrid part as the one third of height of triangle. The red line in the figure htfi.3 as the base of the triangle. Then from the center connect the base by folding the upper part of height of triangle as shown. figure htfi.4 Move point P in the figure  around point O such that it touches the base line of triangle and then we have found our other two vertexes of triangle. figure htfi.5 Fold the paper along the line which joins the newly found vertex Q and the center O. Then cut straight alo...

How to fold it ??

I just came across a book named "HOW TO FOLD IT" by Joseph O'Rourke. And I find it very interesting and there is a problem which states: Fold a square paper such that you can cut an equilateral triangle with one cut with a scissor. For example : Cutting a square with one cut: Fold it from diagonal like this Fold it from another diagonal again Then cut straight and you will get a square Observed the example. Now try to do with a equilateral triangle in a square For solution click here .

Do you know how to multiply?

As in the pictures you can see the natural multiplication process of two numbers. Both the pictures show multiplication of the same numbers but in different number systems. Find the numbers. Hint: The numbers in the first picture are in decimal number system. Note: Here same numbers means that the digits of the two numbers are same. For any other queries post comment below.

Choosy numbers

This is an array of integers and operations. Each connected row or column with operations performed result in the value 10. The operations have their order of priority. The blank spaces can be filled up by digits from 0-9. NO repetition of digits  in the same row or column. Above shown is a complete row. Some spaces are already filled with 2 to make the solution unique. Fill the digits.

solution: scrambled

Solution to the encoded text problem . iwu vlgTc nmeah kfp rzeboe tyqr xdh duoj oeo It contains 36 letters . As in the given hint you can use matrix encryption algorithm make it a 6 x 6 matrix.   i   w   u   v   l   g T   c   n   m  e   a h   k   f    p   r    z e   b   o   e   t    y q   r   x   d    h   d  u   o   j   o    e    o Now take the transpose of the matrix. i    T   h   e    q   u w  c   k    b    r   o u   n   f    o   x    j v   m  p   e    d   o l    e   r    t     h   e g   a   z ...


There is given below some encoded text. It is encoded using matrix cypher algorithm. The decoded message is simple and well known. Try it for yourself. iwu vlgTc nmeah kfp rzeboe tyqr xdh duoj oeo Note:The letters are only scrambled. The entire message contains only letters from this code.   click here for solution


This is the solution to the modified sudoku posted on 13/2/2012


Each small square should contain a number. Each 3 X 3 square should contain numbers from 1 to 9. Each row and column should not have any repetitions. click here for solution.

Solution: Find the letter

This is the solution to  find the letter. The numbers corresponding to the convex objects are parallelogram = 1 rectangle = 2 circle = 3 triangle = 4 overlapping area operation is addition. The encryption algorithm for conversion of numbers to letters is n*7(mod26) so the answer is (2+3+4)*7 (mod26)= 11 ~ k in alphabet

Find the letter

This picture contains letters corresponding to numbers. eg. a-1,b-2 like that. Each convex object correspond to a distinct integer. At the overlapping region some operation happens between the integers. This problem uses modular arithmetic. Find the letter at "?" . Click here for solution.